Predicting maintenance activities using artificial intelligence

In this eBook, we discuss the benefits generated by an AI-based predictive maintenance solution. You might be surprised: it's not just about fixing your assembly lines at the right time to avoid unplanned downtime.


Find out what's important to know.



What is AI-based predictive maintenance?



How does predictive maintenance with AI differ from traditional preventive maintenance?



Why AI in maintenance forecasting?



How AI is impacting your colleagues, your business and your processes?


Jumpstart your predictive maintenance initiative


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What is AI-based predictive maintenance?

In its simplest form, predictive maintenance using artificial intelligence is defined as the ability to use historical and current data to anticipate and address potential problems just before they lead to failures in operations, processes, services or systems.

In other words, it is about predicting the time frame when an industrial or electronic system, an engine, a truck, or any other piece of equipment will need a maintenance activity.

An AI predictive maintenance solution not only allows companies to anticipate when and where a part will need maintenance, but also to make an informed decision about the best ways to address it based on their business objectives.


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